Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Back Hurts

Doing nothing is really hard and boring.... I say this because i recently got knee surgury and i'm currently laying around doing nothing. It's been a long couple of days of icing and elevating my leg, which has resulted in lower back pain. My leg is gross and massive but i'm on the road to recovery. There are some pros to this situation though:
1. Playoffs - i've been watching all the playoff games in the NBA and NHL

2. Nurse - I have my bro and his girlfriend (who is a nurse) to look after me, move me around and get me stuff :)

3. FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS - I've been able to purchase season 1 and 2 and have my own personal FNL marathons.

So, if your home alone and want to do something, or wanna catch some playoff hockey or basketball just give me a ring because you'll know where i'll be. enjoi

ps. thanks to Mich, Cflow, and C Watchorn for coming by and keeping me company.


  1. I feel ya. Being stuck with Mono means no working or craziness til I'm better. It's only nice for awhile...

  2. i'm feeling the guilt trip! I'll try and swing by tonight if you're free!

  3. It does look gross. Let's watch playoffs asap!

  4. Ouch. I'm not sure what those purple markings are, but they're making your leg look worse. LOL! Hang in there -- everything heals in time. Yes, including your back. Perhaps you could ask your brother to help you do some back exercises to stretch your muscles there and give your bones some use.
