Friday, June 3, 2011

Made It!

Well everybody I made it. A couple of delays and a cancelled flight couldn't hold me back from making it back to the homeland aka Hong Kong. The following day was straight to business and one of the reasons I came down here, had to get my Hong Kong citizenship. We first went down to get some paperwork done so I could get into a restricted area that my parents were staying, that went smooth. I then went down to immigration to apply for my citizenship. After some paperwork, finger printing and a photo...boom! complete, the offical card will be ready in a couple of weeks but until then I received a temporary paper version.
After all the offical stuff, my dad took me down to some of the street markets to shop and tour around. I picked up some goodies and saw a lot of cheap eletronics that were fake. I am pretty sure iPhones for $40 sold on the street won't be lasting to long haha, even though I was very temped to give them a shot my father told me other wise haha. Well thats all I have for now... enjoi
Ps. pretty mean mug in that photo hey? haha

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