There are a couple of things I wanted to do over the summer, and I can now knock one off the list. When me and Cam went down to Fargo to see John Mayer (that post will be up soon) we went shopping before hand. He was finding all kinds of deals but I was unlucky and couldn't find anything that caught my eye. So we entered the skate shop and my direct words to Cam were "should I do it and snap?" he responded with a head nod "Do it" followed with "I'm so jealous". So with the help of the worker, I put together my own complete. P-Rod is one of my favorite skaters, and Plan B is a new brand which is just starting to make it's way up. The board rides great and has some nice pop. Really excited to start skating again, now I just have to learn a trick or two ha ha. (Thats where you come in GBo) enjoi
im still jealous!