Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Student Teaching Part 1 ...Done

So last week I officially finished and passed my student teaching block in my first year in the Education Faculty. (Congrats to two of my buddies that go in to Education, Mitch "The Cat" and JP.. can't wait to eat lunch together ha ha) I was placed at middle school for my first teaching experience and all the research is true it is harder to teach in a middle school, I think it's because of a little thing called puberty ha ha. Some kids mature faster then others, and some just act crazy for no reason but it was an over all good experience. Tomorrow we have a faculty end of year debriefing, not sure what we are doing but being in ED you learn early that you reflect a lot and talk about your feelings ha ha. I'm still not done being a student yet this year, I will be taking 3 spring session courses and looking for a job for the summer :(
A big part of Education goal is half way done though and thats a huge relief, only one more year to go. enjoi